Firmenwortlaut - Petro Domenigg KG, Acting for Success
Rechtsform: Kommanditgesellschaft
Persönlich haftender Gesellschafter: Petro Domenigg, Berufsfotograf, Witthauergasse 22, 1180 Wien, Österreich. Tel.: +4369913012216. E-Mail: office[at]



Witthauergasse 22, 1180 Wien, Österreich (Postanschrift). Tel.: +4369912702727. E-Mail: contact[at]
Filiale: Fotoloft, Schweidlgasse 15/18 Hofgebäude, 1020 Wien, Österreich (keine Postanschrift)




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Inhaberin und für den Inhalt der Domain verantwortlich

Lena Reichmuth
Witthauergasse 22, 1180 Wien, Österreich. Tel.: +4369912702727. E-Mail: contact[at]

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Sollte der Inhalt dieser Site fremde Rechte Dritter oder gesetzliche Bestimmungen verletzten, bitten wir höflich um Kontaktaufnahme unter contact
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These general terms and conditions apply to all services between Lena Reichmuth / Acting for Success (the "coach") and the participant / the coachee (the "coachee"), and are to be recognized as such by the coachee when placing his/her order. The GTCs remain in effect for the agreed duration of the coaching period and beyond, on condition that the coachee does not receive a new or amended form of the GTCs from the coach..


Conditions for the provision of service

Success, career and performance coaching are not a forms of holistic therapy. Each coachee takes part in coaching at their own risk throughout and after the coaching period. Through his/her enrolment, the coachee confirms that he/she feels physically and mentally well enough to take part in the coaching programme without any restrictions. Through his/her own decisions and application of what he/she has received and learned, the coachee is responsible for how he/she uses the material, information and coaching work that he/she has received, and for the potential results of the coaching. Through his/her enrolment, the coachee declares that he/she has read and understood the GTCs.


Once a booking entry has been made by the coachee, these GTCs remain an integrated component of the binding coaching agreement and contract. Subject to withdrawal of his/her consent, the coachee agrees to his/her personal data being saved and used exclusively for internal purposes according to the Data Protection Act 2000 ((BGBl 1999 I/165 in its currently valid version).


Modes of payment


All agreed prices are quoted in EURO prior to value added tax. The programme - or package sum - is to be paid in advance.


In the event of the payment not being received, or of the non-refundable payment and/or monthly installment not being paid at the start of the month, the coach can suspend the commencement or continuation of the programme until the payment has been received. In the event of non-payment, it is within the coach's discretion to withdraw from the coaching agreement and to cease coaching the coachee, or to suspend the agreed coaching services until the missing payment/s has/have been received. Under no terms is the coachee released from the payment of the booked coaching sessions. Rather, the coachee is required to fulfil this duty, as agreed. Payments that have already been processed, including payments for coaching packages, are non-refundable. This particularly applies in the event of the coachee not respecting appointments or missing appointments without prior notice. The coachee will be invoiced for all services above the value of the payment, or these will be offset against payments which have already been made. These are to be taken into account by the coachee, independent of the results obtained and how the coachee chooses to use them.


Duration of coaching sessions


One-to-one coaching sessions generally last 60 minutes. The coachee's additional preparation and follow-up time will be discussed with the coach.

The coachee is responsible for scheduling appointments with his/her coach and for attending all booked appointments or sessions within the time frame of the coaching programme (between 6 and 12 months according to the offer in question). If required, isolated appointments can be packaged into one month upon consultation with the coach - eg. due to important appointments, travel, illness etc. - in general, they should, however, take place according to the prescribed schedule and on a monthly basis (1x per month, 2x per month, 3x per month or 4x per month according to the offer in question).


Cancellations and postponed meetings


The coachee is responsible for informing the coach of any cancellations or postponements as soon as possible, and for making good for missed appointments. If required, coachees may postpone appointments no less than 12 hours in advance of the scheduled appointment. In an isolated incident or a justifiable emergency, the coach is prepared to postpone an appointment at shorter notice, and will suggest a replacement date; however, the coachee is not automatically entitled to this. The postponed appointment should take place as soon as possible and within the same calendar month or, at the very latest, within the first 10 days of the following month. Postponed or cancelled appointments which do not take place within the first 10 days of the following month, or which are re-scheduled for a date after 10 days, in exceptional circumstances and only after a consultation with the coach initiated by the coachee, are forfeited and are non-refundable. Postponing appointments should be kept to be minimum. Only emergencies and genuine, important appointment clashes are subject to change. In the case of cancellations, missed appointment(s) without prior written or verbal notice will be fortfeited according to the abovementioned regulations, and the coaching fee will not be refunded. In the event of the coach cancelling an appointment, the appointment will be rescheduled for another time. Further claims, particularly for refunds or compensation, will not be granted.


Orientation chat / First meeting


The problems to be dealt with and the coaching programme's desired outcomes can be discussed during the first meeting, which is 60 minutes long and free of charge. You can also clarify which coaching programme and time frame would be of most benefit to you. Furthermore, both the interested party and the coach may both decide whether or not they would like to proceed.


Legal information and Liability


All entries on my internet site are published with the greatest of care. Nevertheless, I can accept neither legal responsibility nor liability for erroneous entries and their potential consequences. In particular, this applies to the pages and entries which contain a link. It is possible that company names and logos are used without specific designation and without any guarantee that they may be used freely. I do not sanction links with unlawful content, and ask visitors who may come upon any such links to contact me without hesitation so that I can remove them. I will refrain from further legal action. I hereby declare that I have no influence on the design and content of linked sites. I have used these links to the best of my knowledge and belief. This declaration applies to all links on my homepage and to the content of all linked pages.


Final provisions


This contract is exclusively governed by Austrian law. Vienna is the place of jurisdiction.


Vienna, September 2017, Lena Reichmuth


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Ihre Rechte

Ihnen steht bezüglich Ihrer bei uns gespeicherten Daten grundsätzlich das Recht auf Auskunft, Berichtigung, Löschung, Einschränkung, Datenübertragbarkeit, Widerruf und Widerspruch zu. Wenn Sie glauben, dass die Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten gegen das Datenschutzrecht verstößt oder Ihre datenschutzrechtlichen Ansprüche sonst in einer Weise verletzt worden sind, bitten wir Sie, uns zu kontaktieren. Sie erreichen uns unter folgenden Kontaktdaten: - Petro Domenigg KG, Acting for Success, Witthauergasse 22/14, 1180 Wien, Tel.: +4369912702727 bzw. E-Mail: contact[at]


Web master: Petro Domenigg FILMSTILLS.AT, Vienna

Photos: Petro Domenigg FILMSTILLS.AT, Giambalvo & Napolitano

All of the material shown on this site is protected by copyright law.
© Lena Reichmuth, Vienna 2016-2020.